The MalayManuscripts described in this Catalog are owned by the Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences, or handed over to the Society by the Government of the Netherlands Indies for safekeeping.

Of some of the former manuscripts, an inventory was published in 1871 by A. B. Cohen Stuart in the Eighth Continued on the Catalog of the Library, which mentions numbers 1 - 76; in it only the titles are given up, and not without reservation, it can be seen from the information given at the outset: "concerning the first part of the following Catalog, encompassing the articles in a more limited sense, can only be mentioned in general. notice that, for the sake of accuracy, the contents, as largely based on a cursory investigation by natives, can not be guaranteed with certainty. "

Four years later, in 1875, Mr. L. W. C. van den Berg in Appendix B of the XIII part of the Minutes of the Batavian Society a brief mention published of the numbers 77 - 81.

The following collections belong to the second category of manuscripts - belonging to the Government :
A. The information referred to in Appendix A of Part XIV of the Minutes (1876) by Mr. L. W. C. van den Berg briefly mentioned "collection of the Malay manuscripts (38 in number), A. B. Cohen Stuart was brought together and by decision of 22 June 1875, No. 32 was given to the Society by the Government as the so-called loan collection.

In the note on the first page of the inventory attention is drawn to the fact that the identification of the writings is only a forerunner, while the assurance is given: "for the correctness of the titles, contents, etc. of this inventory , which of the Ministry of Education, »Reverend and Industry is received, can not be guaranteed of course. »The time to make a scientific catalog of the collection
"I have never been able to do so."

B. the collection left by H. Von de Wall, which, by decision of September 13, 1873, no. 9 was handed over to the Society for safekeeping and by Mr. LWC van den Berg has been cataloged in his "Report of a collection of Malay, Arab, Javanese and other Manuscripts, deposited by the Government of the Netherlands Indies for the custody of the Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences, 1877", the contents of the manuscripts of this very important collections are often too short, and many inaccuracies of this brief description had to be improved.

C. some "Manuscripts kept to date by Algemeeue Secretarie", described by Mr. LWC van den Berg in Appendix II of Minutes XVIII, including 17 Malay, mentioned on the pages VIII-XTI (the n ° s 116-132).

D. Some manuscripts collected by KF Holle of little importance, about which custody to the Society is reported in the Minutes of 1900 (XXXVIII), October I,, /, and 1901 (XXXIX) March, I, c and August 1901, III. These manuscripts bear the numbers 262 - 278.

E. four manuscripts from a gang of teungkoes in Didoh found in 1901 (the n ° 281-284); see Minutes 1901, 23 December, I. d, 3°.

F. three manuscripts (nos. 285 - 287) by Tuanku Radja Keumala, son of the late Toeankoe Asem on his flight to the Gajö countries during the persecution by our troops at Tjalöng; see Minutes 1901, 23 December. I. d, 2 °.

G. the manuscripts, nos. 288 - 322, from Keumala, of which one can see Minutes 1901, 23 December, I. d, 1 °. and Annex VII.

H. five manuscripts by the Major General, when Major, G. C. E. van Daalen was sent (the nos 323-332); see Minutes 1902, June, I. 15 ° and March, II, 8 °.

I. ....???

J. five manuscripts (the nos 327 - 331) found in the home of Teungkoe di Babah Kroëng Ipòë (Upper Sennagan) by a Marechaussee column in August 1902; see Minutes 1902, 20 October, II, j, 1 °.

K. found the nos 334 - 357 in 1903 in the Gajöland (Karang ampar), coming from Atjèhsche lawyers and chiefs who had turned away; see Minutes 1904, November, III, 2 ° and Annex X1I1.
  L. de n ao 367 â € "379 found in Semelà © t (Gajöland) and Pameuë; see Minutes 1904, December 111. 2 °. a. and Appendix XIV.

M. the late Dr. J. L. A. Brandes collected manuscripts, which kind of decree of 14 January 1906, N °. 31. were deposited for safekeeping; in Annex I to Minutes XLIV. (1906) a list of the titles of manuscripts, including some sixty Malay, was printed.

In this catalog the Collection of Cohen Stuart is indicated with Collection C. St., that of Von de Wall with Collection v. D. W. and that of Brandes with Collection Br. All other bandages - both those which are owned by the purchase or by donation 's Genootschaps, as well as the small, independent or belonging to larger loan - collections belonging to custody - are designated with Bat. Gene.; This can not lead to confusion, since for each manuscript, about which origin or identity is stated in the Minutes, the relative part of the Minutes is mentioned, and above, it has already been indicated above which numbers indicate the manuscripts deposited in custody.

For each appropriate document, reference is made to matching copies in other manuscript collections. Those collections are:

  • Leiden, University Library, described in the catalog of ür, H. H. Juynboll, 1809.
  • London, East India House, described by H. N. van der Tuuk, in the Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië, 1849, I, bl. 385 and follow.
  • London, Royal Asiatic Society, described by H. N. van der Tuuk in the Contributions for the Language, Land and Ethnology of Ned. Indië, 3 ° sequence, I, bl. 409-474.
  • London, British Museum, ibid. 3 ° follow-up. VI. bl. 96-110.
  •  Cambridge, ibid I have described. 6 ° follow-up. II, bl. 1 â € "53.
  •  's Graven lintje, Royal Institute for Language, Land and Ethnology of Ned. India, by me, ibid. 7 volumes. VI bl. 181-248.
  • Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, by me ibid. 7 volumes. VI, bl. 501- â € "519.
  • Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, by A. Cabaton (see Revue du Monde Musulman, vol V, nuni V, p.108: ,, la Bibliothèque nationale possède environ 250 manuscripts malais dont nous venons d'achever Ie catalog et qui sera bientöt imprimé. "  (Parijs, National Library, door A. Cabaton (Journal of the Muslim World, vol V, nuni V, p.110: ,, the National Library has about 250 Malay manuscripts of which we have just completed the catalog and that will be printed soon)
I did not refer to the only obsolete remarks and very concise descriptions of the contents of stories in De Hollauder's Manual for the practice of Malayan languages and literature as to the titles of the titles of ME Jacquet, in his Bibliothèque Malaye, Journal Asiatique 1832, the old notes of J. Leyden in the Asiatic Researches, X, bl. 158 - 289 and the even older title list behind Werndly 's speech theory of 17 36.
